
Are you compliant with VerpackG?

The VerpackG regulations have been in force in Germany since 2019, fundamentally changing how manufacturers and distributors must report their packaging waste.

So what exactly are these changes?

  • Before placing packaging on the market, manufacturers must register with the Central Packaging Register Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister (ZVSR). This is in addition to reporting quantities to their nominated Dual System (Compliance Scheme), so in effect, two reports must be submitted.

  • The regulations stipulate how and what should be reported and much more precise information on packaging types and quantities is now required. For maximum transparency, manufacturers must also indicate which dual system they have agreed contracts with and for how long.

These changes make reporting complex and time-consuming, so for many businesses it makes sense to seek external help on how to correctly complete their registration, licensing and reporting.

Greenstreets provides expert and impartial advice on this entire process and on the best way for your business to become and remain compliant with the regulations. For further information on Packaging Compliance, please or log on to our German website